
Name: Sanja Ymir
Home: Skatays Mountains
Chosen name: Saryn
Gender: Female
Race: Viera- Veena
Age: 90
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Sexuality: Lesbun
Status: Engaged to Ly'ara
Height: 7'1"
Weight: 210Lbs
Skin: Fair
Eyes: Gold
Has Tattoos and scars.

Last updated 12/6/2024

BackstoryBorn to the chieftain of her village young Sanja was placed under a lot of pressure from her mother and advisors. Her early years where relatively simple, she played, learned the language, and she learned her culture.
At the age of eight her life would start taking shape and the true woman her mother was would begin to take shape. Her mother only wanted one thing of her daughter, she wanted her to be a master wind dancer. Paired with a master mentor of her own she would make slow progress that was unsatisfactory to her mother. To accelerate the process every time she made a mistake the wooden chakrams where taken away and replaced with razor sharp blades. After months of this practice, her hands would become permanently disfigured with scars. Though to her mothers liking it worked, she began to take her training more serious and started to learn advance wind manipulation. As a final test at the end of the year she was to face her master in a duel. The duel to everyone's understanding was meant to be until one person yielded. Just like everyone expected, the young Viera lost the duel and to everyone's surprise her mother ordered the death to her heir. In a fit of rage and pain lotuses began to blossom across the arena the crowd looked on in awe and even her mothers attention was gained. As the master hesitated the lotuses blew up turning the air into a blade cutting both her and the master to ribbons. All she remembered that followed was waking up in a hut with a healer tending to her wounds.
Life after was different for her, everyone saw her as a killer she was the kid that killed someone in rage. She would spend most her days inside learning in private. It would not be until the age of sixteen that things would take a change. War broke out between invaders and the clan, seeing as her mother still hated the young Sanja she saw this as a prime opportunity to get rid of her for good. She ordered her daughter to lead the vanguard into battle. Knowing it was likely to be her death, she called upon a house keeper she had been sweet with the night before they would end up sharing a moment together. The day of the battle she grabbed her armor and blades and rode into battle. To everyone's surprise the Viera came back with most her forces in tact. She had commanded them to a decisive victory and some of the observers told the story of her tactical prowess and quick thinking. Once she returned home, she kneeled before her mother and for the first time she was acknowledged as her daughter and a crown of gold was placed upon her head.The war lasted three years, the Viera leading defensive victory after victory never going on the offensive. She had been given a commanders position and represented the queens word on the battlefield. Inspired by the actions of someone she loved; her girlfriend Petra the servant girl that she shared a faithful night with those years ago would train to ride into battle. Knowing that victory was so close, she started to plan an offensive to crack the enemies lines and crush their numbers. She began to mass numbers, though as she was leading them to their final battle the army was pinched and ambushed. Fighting valiantly and with most her honor guard dead she decided to pull back and await reinforcements. The retreat was unsuccessful, making the hard decision she needed to leave a battalion to defend and cover their retreat. The only option that guaranteed success was to leave behind the battalion consisting of her girlfriend. With a tear to her eye she rode off after giving the order. Once regrouped she would ride in with a force twice as large, her strike decimated the enemy and lead her to another grand victory. When all was said and done, the princess walked the blood soaked battlefield. She would find Petra surrounded by three dead of their enemy. Picking her up she made the long walk back home.The death of her first loved one changed her, it made her question the values her people had, it made her hate her mother for starting conflict. One night, she picked up her blades, armor, and crown and left. Once out of the wood, she stowaway on a ship set to Limsa, as soon as she arrived she heard stories of a city in the sand it was the place she knew she needed to go but knew she had no way there. Fortunately for her she joined a group of traveling entertainers bound of Ul'dah. The journey would take several months, to the people around her she was the first Viera any of them had ever seen and her dancing always drew in a crowd.RP storyOnce she made her way to Ul'dah she threw away her forest name and chose a new one. Struggling to get to her feet she bounced around between odd jobs taking what ever she could for work. One day she met a group of bounty hunters that hired her for her expert tracking skills in a jungle. The job went well, so well in fact they asked her to join their ranks for good. She accepted with out hesitation, those around her accepted her for who she was and treated her like family. She rose through the ranks quickly, her tactical genius becoming valuable to the leadership. One evening the leader came to her with a contract for just the two, accepting it she had no idea this would seal her fate. She was to hunt down and eliminate a cult member. She tracked down the reaper and engaged him in combat. At one point the two traded fatal blows. On the edge of death she blacked out just to wake up in a familiar setting surrounded by friend. Except this time she was cold, she didn't feel right, she felt isolated. I gnawing hunger would start to sway her decisions. At first it was subtle changes that people had not noticed. But unknowing to everyone she was a host to an avatar.Months would pass after the near death experience, an Auri would start to grow close to her and eventually ask for her to become more than friends. For upwards of a year she would fight back the desire to consume and grow closer to a woman she could give her heart to. Something didn't feel right to her, so the Viera broke things off and parted ways the influence of her avatar trying to separate her and make her feel alone.Going back to taking the odd jobs here and there, she would spend most her time in the adventures guild living a self destructive life style of sleeping around and hunting to fill the hunger deep within. One evening she met another Viera, someone equally as self destructive. The night went just like any other but it wouldn't be until a few weeks later that they bumped into one another to do it all over again. The two would purposely bump into each other what seemed like every other night. Eventually Saryn asked the other on a date. It was at that moment they had admitted their love for one another. Things would move fast, the two even opening an airship company and taking each others hands in marriage. Soon after her wife would birth her two twin girls. One named Petra the other Hedette. Life for her was good, she had everything except for the avatar was going to dismantle it all and weaken her to take over her body. Bit by bit things started falling apart, she began making enemies. Her wife sensing that something was wrong called upon paladins of her religion. The three of them, seeing Saryn was too far gone engaged the creature she had become in combat. Eventually Saryn would fall having slayed a paladin in the process. The voidsent left her body leaving the Viera for dead. In a stroke of misfortune her wife had made a deal with a powerful entity. She had gained the knowledge to heal Saryn but at a cost she would never want to pay. Saryn was healed and the voidsent was captured, taking a backseat from combat and hanging up her blade she decided to allow her wife to take the spot light.Her wife had accepted a contract to destroy a Garlean facility in the facility she came across a young Rava captured, the people in charge used her incredible aptitude for technology by making her repair anything broken. Seeing some of herself in the Rava, her wife made the out of character decision to rescue the girl before destroying the place. At first Saryn rejected her as her daughter, though she would quickly come to love her as her own.The smooth sailing that was their life would come crashing down, in the middle of the night their airship was attacked defending her wife and children Saryn had panned to go down with the ship. A blast in the side that pulled her out had a different plan for her. As she fell through the sky she had accepted her death, though her fate would have a different plan. A bird from the void that she raised from the egg swooped down catching her. Saryn simply watched helplessly as her entire life crashed down around her. Lost and confused she returned to the only person she could She returned to the company of hunters asking for forgiveness. To her surprise she was welcomed back with open arms.The team of hunters would venture out to the crash sight with one goal, to give Saryn closure. As they explored the wreckage only the body of her wife and two children where found, the Rava could not be found anywhere. Taking off with her ex, the two searched high and low eventually finding her with the void bird her wife had raised. After battling the psychological damage the little girl had she was reunited with her mother.Saryn and her ex grew close once more through the years, though with her ex being unable to commit to just her she parted ways this time falling full circle and reopening the company her wife had founded. This time she would fix the flaw in all their ships, she would build a new ship armored and armed. It would be her fortress and her sanctuary.Once everything was rebuilt the Viera decided to once more get out there and make friends, she has met a Rava that she wishes to give her heart to once more.

Story over allMature and darker themes are on the menu.Separate the player from the character.If you want to RP you can Walk up or /tell if nervous. I will initiate if you don't want to.RP tag not always on, poke me if you are up for a scene.I use toolkit most the time to RP, if I am taking what may seem like a long time to respond just know I am most likely sending a 4+ Para. Just poke and ask if you think I missed something.Mare: IYKYK

Thank you for taking the time to look at my cardI am 21+ and I have been RPing over eight years nowLastly I have a discord for Saryn if you want to go on a journey with Saryn that would be hard to RP in game just know we can do it there easily
Add me and send me a message of what your intentions are and we can work something out
.bunnyears (is my discord handle)

Has a soft Scottish accent like LilliaVideo bellow

Common (use at will.)
Huntress for hire: You have a job, she will complete it. She does not deal in money she deals in favors.
Mentor: If you have the need to learn to hunt or fight, it is likely Saryn can teach you. She is a master of the winds and chakram and proficient with a scythe.Odd gunblade: Her gunblade is forged from Ivalice steel and looks nothing like a traditional blade. Perhaps ask some questions of its origins.Royal Bun: Saryn carries her self with pride and dresses as though she is still a member of royal court. The type of aura that could inspire those to follow her into battle.

Uncommon (Let me know you want to use)Kind Hearted: This cold on the surface Viera has a kind heart she can often be seen working with the city orphanage. Maybe you saw her and wanted to know what she was doing.Attuned With Nature: She often likes to venture out of the city walls by herself or with her kids, you could have seen her and thought she is interesting or you wanted to know who she is.Blade Dancer: Master blade dancer from her home village. She often dances in public, art is her passion and she likes to share her art.

Rare (Ask to use)Bounty Hunter: She often accepts bounties to feed her other side, perhaps you wonder why she collects on bounties with no body to turn in.Ymir: You are a Viera from Ymir and you may know Saryn, she was the daughter of the chieftain so she was in a public spotlight.Vengeful Warrior: Saryn recently lost everything she has ever loved. She fights with reckless abandon and will stand up for the meek